Community-Led Restoration
Restoration and nature-based solutions need to be a central part of our approach to the climate crisis. Local communities, including Indigenous rights holders, are at the center of these discussions through community-led restoration initiatives. Community-led restoration initiatives are designed and implemented by local communities and their governments. They build on traditional knowledge and expertise and present an important opportunity to center community land-use decisions and governance.
Across Canada and globally, communities are developing governance structures, using traditional practices and scaling new innovations to advance restoration activities in their approach to managing the climate crisis. Governments across the world are beginning to define policies on nature and in some cases set specific targets and requirements. In response to this global dialogue, the natural resource sector including mining companies, agriculture and food companies, renewables and forestry are making commitments and designing restoration initiatives. Within this context, there is opportunity for community-led initiatives, policy interventions and private sector interventions to align and support one another.
In May 2023, the DI hosted a workshop to explore this topic. The Devonshire Initiative workshop on Community-Led Restoration brought together representatives from community, government, civil society and the private sector. At this full-day workshop on May 12, participants shared ideas and practice from Canada and globally on:
Community-led restoration and the intersections between biodiversity, community development, governance and socio-economic outcomes;
The role of the private sector, policy and civil-society in supporting community-led initiatives; and
Financing innovations and the status of the credit market.
For more information on this topic and the Devonshire Initiative, please reach out to Carolyn Burns at carolyn@devonshireinitiative.org.