The Community Well-Being and Mining Framework (also known as the CommWell Framework) is a participatory process for discussing, defining, measuring and analyzing community well-being. The Framework supports a multi-stakeholder process to define and collect data on community well-being in the mining context. It acts as a catalyst for various stakeholders to plan and coordinate development initiatives in the mining context and meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
The objective of the Framework, is to:
collect better data to assess community well-being;
encourage better dialogue among stakeholders in mining areas and support multi-stakeholder coordination around local development processes; and
support better decisions that affect community well-being.
The CommWell Framework was jointly developed by participants of the Devonshire Initiative, including mining companies, civil society organizations and academics. The first iteration of the framework was developed in 2015 and called the Beyond Zero Harm framework. Learnings from several pilot programs have informed the CommWell Framework.